Because NSCC regulations require six weeks between enrollment and the start of RT, Magellan will not allow anyone to register for RTMI who was not enrolled as of 12 May 2023; if you're considering joining, take initiative to ensure you're enrolled and have passed your PRT prior to then.
Chief Tip - Trust me recruits. Blisters on your paws are no fun at Recruit Training. Break in those boots and shoes!
Bare Essentials YOU NEED TO KNOW
Register for the training through the Parent Portal.
Bookmark this website so you can reference key information and receive updates directly.
ADA - All Requests for Accommodation must be uploaded into Magellan well in advance for review. An approved request for accommodation at the home unit does not automatically apply at the training. Your unit's officers must help you with this process.
There is no commercial transportation support. All participants must arrive by private vehicle.
Time your arrival to the base no earlier than 1400 and no later than 1500!
Training runs from Friday 23 JUNE 2023 (Intake Day) until Saturday, 01 JULY 2023 (Graduation Day).
Make your payment for training. Your spot is not secure until you do.
At the Local Division Level
Apply for Recruit Training through the Parent Portal*. If your cadet meets all of the basic requirements, your application will move up to the unit staff for registration. Trainings fill up fast – do not wait to apply.
*If you have not completed all the forms in the Parent Portal you will not be able to apply or the COTC will not be able to approve. Please contact your unit chain of command to complete this step. Families without internet access can be assisted with the application process by their unit. Please contact your chain of command. The link for complete information, quarterdeck_user_guide.pdf
Applications are only final when Approved by COTC. All training orders are subject to the final approval of the Commanding Officer of the Training Contingent (COTC). The COTC will not approve applications without the non-refundable cadet training fee payment.
Make your non-refundable payment for training. Payment may be made by credit card or PayPal.
Once the payment has been processed you are done with the application process. You will be notified by an email from Magellan when your spot at RT Fort Custer is confirmed. Note: Some emails from Magellan go to SPAM. Check your SPAM box.
PRE-ORDER YOUR "OPTIONAL" FORT CUSTER COMBINED TRAINING SPIRIT WEAR. This is totally optional, and a fantastic way to show your pride in your accomplishment. Merchandize will be available for pick up during In-Take Day.