Question: My child is a staff cadet. Will they be able to leave after graduation?
Answer: No. All adult staff and cadets will stay after graduation to secure the training. This will take about 3 hours. Your patience is appreciated.
Question: My child is attending a training before and graduation is the morning of In Take Day for Fort Custer. Can they arrive late?
Answer: Possibly, contact the COTC for direction.
Question: My child is a Staff Cadet and they need to arrive earlier. Their sister/brother is attending NLO (or one of the other training) can they check in early with their sibling?
Answer: The short answer is no. Contact the COTC.
Question: What do I arrive in?
Answer: According to the appropriate civilian attire.
Question: Will my child be able to attend Mass or take communion?
Answer: Unfortunately no.
Question: Where can I find the Sea Bag List?
Answer: The Sea Bag List as well as the Welcome Letter can be found at three places. One is on the website, under Welcome Aboard tab. The second location is at the Fort Custer Combined Training group Facebook page. Under the cover photo is a list of options, click on “Files”. The third location is on the Event Details on Magellan, look under "Attachments".
Question: Do cadets need to bring a lock?
Answer: No. All lockers will be unlocked and ready for inspection. All valuables & phones will be turned in during In Take and locked up until graduation.
Question: Can I pack my gear in zip lock bags?
Answer: Yes. This will speed up the In-Take process. Put all like items in one gallon sized bag. Roll the bag to eliminate all the air. With a Sharpie write the number and item on the bag. For example…8 black socks or 7 briefs.
Question: My unit does not issue CUU’s, do I still need to bring 3 brown t-shirts?
Answer: You only need to bring 3 brown t-shirts if you are bringing CUU’s.
Question: The sea bag list calls for three sets of uniforms. We are only issued one or two sets. Do I need three?
Answer: We have limited access to the laundry at Fort Custer. You may not get a chance to wash your uniforms. You may bring NWU & CUU uniforms with the appropriate color t-shirt. If you still only have two we will make it work.
Answer to question 11
Question: Can I bring a Camelback style hydration system?
Answer: No.
Question: I ordered the t-shirt & shorts from the website, but on the sea bag list it calls for three sets. What do I bring?
Answer: The t-shirt & shorts you ordered are the Fort Custer PT uniform. In addition, bring two more sets of t-shirts & shorts. The t-shirt can be from another training, your unit t-shirt, or a plain white t-shirt. Plain white crew neck is the least expensive and easiest to buy. Shorts should be navy blue gym shorts. One set is for sleeping in and the other set is extra PT gear.
Question: Where do the flashes go on the dress uniform?
Answer: Contact your unit supply officer.
Question: Can I bring my ribbons and medals to NL Orientation to wear for graduation?
Answer: Yes
Question: How do I write my child’s name on black socks?
Answer: The Silver Sharpie writes well on dark colors. Write it on the sole of the sock.
Question: What time do I need to be at Fort Custer for In Take and where do I go?
Answer: The Welcome Aboard Letter has all the information regarding In Take day. Any last minute changes or updates will be posted on the FB page 2020 Fort Custer Combined Training.
Question: How do I get on base?
Answer: We supply the main gate with a cadet access list. Give the guard your cadet’s name. You must have a Driver’s License, Registration and Proof of Insurance in case your car is pulled over for random search. 100% ID check is in force. Everyone in the vehicle must have ID except minors.
Question: I have a concealed weapon permit. Can I bring my weapon on base?
Answer: No.
Question: Do I need to wait until my cadet is processed during in take?
Answer: Yes. Be patient, bring a book, and bring your coffee. If your cadet packed his/her sea bag correctly this may not take long. If they did a poor job packing, you will be sent to the store to purchase missing items. Yes, they will need more than one pair of underpants for the seven days they are with us. Common missed items are: underwear, socks, athletic shoes, shower shoes, sheets, blanket, neckerchief, and white hat (Dixie cup).
Question: Can I leave mail for my cadet during In Take?
Answer: Yes. We will have a box for mail. Be sure to include which training your cadet is attending on the envelope.
Question: My son/daughter just broke their wrist, elbow, leg, or ankle (insert any body part), can they still come to training?
Answer: The short answer is no, however, contact the COTC for guidance.
Question: My child has an inhaler but hasn’t had to use it in three years. Should they bring it?
Answer: Absolutely. Fort Custer can be very dusty, especially when they are marching. That plus the stress of being away from home can trigger an asthma attack. Trust me, it happens every year. It is better to be prepared and not need it then have to rush your child to the ER. Cadets will be allowed to carry their inhaler.
NO asthmatic allowed in SCUBA training.
NO asthmatic allowed in SCUBA training.
Question: My child uses a nebulizer. Can they bring it?
Answer: Yes. It will be kept in Medical. The cadet will report to Medical for treatment.
Question: During stressful situations my child may wet the bed. Can they participate?
Answer: Yes. Contact the COTC for an action plan.