CO's Top Six.pdf |
Sexual Harassment: Sexual harassment is a form of discrimination that involves unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, or other verbal or physical contact of a sexual nature that interferes with an individual’s performance, or creates an intimidating or hostile work environment. This policy is gender neutral, and applies the same way to male or females at the training. This is not the place for jokes, kidding, or teasing about sexuality, flirting, or connecting on Facebook for dates later. Leave that at home; it’s not what you’re here for.
Racism: We are a color blind, gender blind organization. There is no place in Sea Cadets for ignorant biases, racism, sexism, or bigotry. Discrimination of any kind does not belong here, and will not be tolerated.
Fraternization: Fraternization is an unduly familiar relationship between superiors and subordinates that is prejudicial to good order and discipline. Fraternization weakens the chain of command by creating favoritism, or the appearance of favoritism in our training environment. Everyone here has a job to do; your job is to learn everything we need to teach you, and the best way for all of us to succeed at our jobs is to be professional, keep your mouths shut, and your eyes and ears open.
Cadet to Cadet Contact: There is to be no cadet to cadet contact; keep your hands to yourself! Any relationships between Cadets must be professional in all respects. Focus on your mission, and focus on your division’s success.
Hazing: Hazing is conduct that causes a Cadet to suffer or be exposed to any activity which is abusive, humiliating, oppressive, or harmful, even if the victim is a willing participant. This kind of behavior is unacceptable.
Substance abuse: We have a zero tolerance policy that covers illegal drugs, as well as prescription and over the counter medications. All of your medications will be confiscated at check-in. You cannot take any medication here, unless it is prescribed to you and administered by our adult staff. Sharing your medications with other Cadets is also strictly prohibited.
Racism: We are a color blind, gender blind organization. There is no place in Sea Cadets for ignorant biases, racism, sexism, or bigotry. Discrimination of any kind does not belong here, and will not be tolerated.
Fraternization: Fraternization is an unduly familiar relationship between superiors and subordinates that is prejudicial to good order and discipline. Fraternization weakens the chain of command by creating favoritism, or the appearance of favoritism in our training environment. Everyone here has a job to do; your job is to learn everything we need to teach you, and the best way for all of us to succeed at our jobs is to be professional, keep your mouths shut, and your eyes and ears open.
Cadet to Cadet Contact: There is to be no cadet to cadet contact; keep your hands to yourself! Any relationships between Cadets must be professional in all respects. Focus on your mission, and focus on your division’s success.
Hazing: Hazing is conduct that causes a Cadet to suffer or be exposed to any activity which is abusive, humiliating, oppressive, or harmful, even if the victim is a willing participant. This kind of behavior is unacceptable.
Substance abuse: We have a zero tolerance policy that covers illegal drugs, as well as prescription and over the counter medications. All of your medications will be confiscated at check-in. You cannot take any medication here, unless it is prescribed to you and administered by our adult staff. Sharing your medications with other Cadets is also strictly prohibited.