Online Training Fee Payment
Training Application Process
We operate on the basis of first-come, first-served. Once all billets (spots) are full, subsequent requests will be put on a wait list in the order received. Do not pay until you have been moved to confirmed.
We don’t mark “Approved” until you have paid online.
We don’t mark “Approved” until you have paid online.
Online Training Fee payment for cadets (and staff cadets). You will note a transaction service fee has been added to the cost of the training. In the "Note to Seller" section add your cadet's first, last name and name of home unit for example - Ben Swiftboat, Wolverine Division, or Jessica Marlinspike, Thomas Jefferson Division. This will help our financial officer track your payment). Paying for multiple cadets in one transaction? PLEASE tell us the names of every cadet for whom you are paying. Often cadets have different names from the person paying, and we will not know who the payment is for and your cadet will not be approved.